

大多数学生可能需要某种形式的经济援助来支付学费. The Free Application for 联邦 Student Aid (FAFSA) is the ticket that can open the door to potential financial assistance to pursue your higher education goals. 要使用FAFSA申请经济援助,你必须满足特定的要求.

这些要求包括满足基本的资格标准, 截止日期前申请, 遵守入学限制.

如果你想了解更多关于填写FAFSA的信息,你来对地方了. This guide will help you better underst和 the process of applying for federal financial assistance.


如果你想申请联邦财政援助, 你必须满足特定的资格要求. 基本要求包括:1

  • 你或你的家庭有经济需要
  • 你是一个U.S. 公民或合格的非公民
  • 你有一个有效的社会安全号码 
  • 你有高中文凭,普通教育文凭,或其他认可的同等学历

在这些基本要求之外, there are additional criteria for students who have a criminal conviction 和 students with intellectual disabilities.

请注意,这些都是要求 申请接受援助. Meeting the FAFSA requirements to apply doesn’t guarantee that you’ll receive federal financial aid.


申请FAFSA时, 你需要包括你(或你父母)前一年的纳税申报表. 例如, 如果你申请的是2022-23学年的助学金, 你必须附上2020年的纳税申报表. Male students between the ages of 18 to 25 must also be registered with the Selective Service System to apply for federal aid. 


The FAFSA needs to be submitted with all of the required paperwork by June 30th of the award year.2 这可能有点令人困惑,因为高等教育是按预算年度进行的. 高等教育日历从7月1日到6月30日, FAFSA申请将于10月1日开放.

So, 如果你申请的是2022-23学年的助学金, FAFSA需要在10月1日之前完成, 2021年和6月30日, 2022. 这个范围很广,但它涵盖了整个学年. 

因为某些援助是有限制的, 比如佩尔助学金, 越早提交申请, 你就越有可能最大化你的援助资格.


通常,你所在的州或学校可能有不同的助学金截止日期. You should check with each of these individually to make sure you’re submitting the FAFSA 和 any other required paperwork in time to meet the cutoff. 你不想错过这些经济援助的机会.


To be eligible to receive federal financial aid, you must meet certain enrollment requirements. 具体包括:

  • 全日制beat365手机版官方网站 全日制本科生每学期12学时. 如果你上的是三学期制或季度制的学校, you’ll need to speak with your school’s financial aid office for specifics on enrollment requirements. 一般ly speaking, graduate students are considered full-time when enrolled in 9 credit hours.
  • 兼职beat365手机版官方网站 非全日制学生也可能有资格获得联邦或机构的经济援助. 通常情况下,至少需要一半的注册时间. The amount of aid you’re eligible for may be prorated to correspond with your enrollment status.
  • 令人满意的学业进展 – Your school will have specific criteria that define what constitutes satisfactory academic progress. 通常, you must pass your classes 和 move through the program at a reasonable pace to retain your financial aid eligibility.
  • 项目类型 -最后,你必须参加一个合格的证书或学位课程. This means you’re not likely to be able to receive financial aid to take one or two classes for personal interest or gain. 相反,你通常必须参加一个特定的项目.


每个有资格填写FAFSA的人都应该这样做. 你可能会发现你有资格获得意想不到的经济援助. 一些类型的援助, 比如助学金和奖学金, 基本上是免费的钱用于你的教育吗. 你不必偿还这些类型的援助, 他们可以给你很大的帮助来支付学费.


No. 接受或拒绝提供给你的帮助完全取决于你. 你也不必接受全部可用的援助. 

例如, 如果你有资格获得20美元,000美元的学生贷款, 但你只需要10美元,000, 你可以要求你所需要的. 获得更多的贷款可能会在短期内帮助支付费用, 但在你完成学业后可能会导致大量的贷款支付.


当你填写FAFSA时,你正在申请几种类型的援助. 你的申请将会被处理, 和 you’ll receive a notification of what kind of financial aid you’re eligible to receive 每种类型你可能会收到多少.

FAFSA帮助你申请联邦学生贷款、助学金和勤工俭学项目. It might also be used by your state or institution to determine your eligibility for their financial assistance options. 



  • 联邦
  • 私人 

FAFSA作为你的联邦学生贷款申请. These loans typically have lower interest rates 和 more repayment options than private loans. 有四种不同类型的联邦学生贷款:3

  • 直接资助贷款 – 本科 和 graduate students that demonstrate financial need may qualify for subsidized loans. The federal government pays the interest on a subsidized loan while you’re in school 和 for the first six months after you graduate.
  • 直接无补贴贷款 – Students who don’t meet financial need requirements might still qualify for unsubsidized loans. The biggest difference between subsidized 和 unsubsidized loans is that you’re responsible for paying all of the interest on unsubsidized loans.
  • 直接PLUS贷款 - PLUS贷款适用于研究生或本科生的父母. These are typically a last option meant to cover educational expenses that other aid won’t cover. 信用检查通常需要有资格获得PLUS贷款.
  • 直接合并贷款 -如果你有其他联邦贷款, you might eventually be able to combine them into a consolidation loan that allows you to make a single payment each month.

当你收到你的FAFSA的结果, make sure you consider all aspects of the aid you’re eligible for to ensure you’re making the best choices.


与贷款不同,联邦助学金在你完成学业后不需要偿还. 联邦政府提供了几种不同的赠款,包括:4

  • 佩尔助学金 – 本科s who demonstrate significant financial need might be eligible for a Pell Grant. 
  • 联邦补充教育机会补助金 – Some Pell Grant recipients may qualify for further funding under the Supplemental 教育al Opportunity program.
  • 教授予 -如果你在高要求的教学领域攻读学位, 你可能有资格获得TEACH补助金. There are specific service requirements pertaining to where you must work upon degree completion with this grant. 
  • 服务拨款 -曾在美国服役的学生.S. 在伊拉克或阿富汗的军队可能有资格获得服务补助金.

并非所有学生都有资格获得助学金. 然而, 如果你知道, make sure that you fully underst和 the enrollment 和 other requirements so that you don’t miss out on the opportunity.


Students who qualify for federal work-study might have the opportunity to work on campus to earn money to pay for educational expenses. 本科, graduate, 和 professional students can all qualify for federal work-study.

记住, there are typically limits to the number of hours you can work while participating in work-study programs.


最后,你可能有资格通过奖学金获得经济援助. 许多不同的机构提供奖学金,例如:

  • 大专院校
  • 教会和信仰团体
  • 城镇和村庄
  • 非营利组织
  • 私营企业


  • 学术价值
  • 运动能力
  • 特殊利益集团
  • 人才
  • 财务需要

You’ll typically need to fill out a separate application for 奖学金 和 meet specific requirements. It’s also important to note that receiving a scholarship may impact your eligibility for other financial aid.


弄清楚如何支付本科或研究生学位是很困难的. 然而,填写FAFSA很简单. 如果你有资格申请经济援助,你应该这样做. 你没有义务接受你可能有资格获得的所有资助. Instead, the results of your FAFSA can help you see the full extent of options available for you.

At 阿连特国际大学, 我们的帮助, friendly financial aid department staff can help answer any questions you have about paying for your education. 联盟学生可能有资格获得许多不同类型的援助, 包括贷款, 奖学金, 奖助金, 和勤工助学. 今天beat365手机版官方网站,了解更多关于提供联盟教育.


  1. 填写FAFSA表格的截止日期是什么时候?” U.S. 教育部. 2020. http://studentaid.gov/2122/help/deadlines. 于2022年1月28日发布.
  2. “基本资格准则”.” U.S. 教育部. 2020. http://studentaid.gov/understand-aid/eligibility/requirements. 于2022年1月28日发布.
  3. 联邦学生贷款有哪些类型?” U.S. 教育部. 2020. http://studentaid.gov/understand-aid/types/loans. 于2022年1月28日发布.
  4. 联邦拨款计划.” U.S. 教育部. 2020. http://studentaid.gov/sites/default/files/federal-grant-programs.pdf. 于2022年1月28日发布. 




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